Thursday, December 29, 2011

Welcome Eli Holmes Fullen!!!

Well, here it is... and here he is! Our beautiful baby boy, Eli Holmes Fullen, joined the world on Tuesday, December 20, 2011 at 6:24 in the morning. We have never been happier, felt so much love, and been so tired in our lives!

Eli's birth story:
On Monday, 12/19/11, the first official day of winter break from school (impeccable timing on the little man's part) I found myself being super productive. I vacuumed, changed sheets on the guest bed, did laundry, ran errands, and wrapped all of my gifts. While wrapping, around 4:30 in the afternoon, I started to feel really uncomfortable. I knew I was feeling contractions, but nothing seemed measurable so I figured they were just Braxton Hixs.
However, by 5:30, I was super uncomfortable so I called Scott at work to let him know that something was not right. By the time he got home at 7:30, I was contracting like crazy, but still, they didn't seem to have a steady measure (they were between 5 and 8 minutes apart). We made dinner, relaxed, continued to count just to be sure and convinced ourselves that nothing would happen that night.
We got into bed around 10:00 and as I rolled over to go to sleep... bam... my water broke! We called the doctor on call and were excited to find that it was Dr. Rinala, one of our favorites. She sent us ahead to the hospital. On the way to the hospital my contractions started coming every 3 minutes and were super strong.
Once in triage, I was contracting, getting sick, and decided fairly quickly that I was getting the epidural. Scott was right there with me, rubbing my back, talking me through each contraction, staying incredibly calm, and loving me. I don't know how I would have gotten through that hour without him.
Finally, they took me up to a lovely room in the labor and delivery wing where, after the longest hour of my life in triage, I got an epidural. However, at that point I had gone from 2cm dilated to 8 cm dilated in only 20 minutes and my contractions were coming too fast. This caused Eli's heart-rate to drop dramatically. He should have been around 130 and he was at 70. They thought for a minute that I might need a c-section if they couldn't get it under control. They gave me meds to slow my contractions and soon his heart-rate was normal.
Next came the waiting game... and we waited. Scott had made a fabulous 14 hour mix on his iPod of our favorite chill music. /the lights were dim and he was by my side. The epidural caused me to have the shakes so he rubbed me and talked to me. Our moms and my dad were there too, anxiously awaiting Eli.
At around 4:15, the nurse emptied the room of everyone but Scott and I. She sat me up to help with my last cm of dilation and together Scott and I took a 45 minute nap... the last for quite a while. When the nurse and Dr. Rinala came back, it was go time. Scott and I had agreed that he would stay up by my head and coach me through it all. However, when the time came, we were surprised to learn that the birthing team was our nurse, Danielle, Dr. Rinala, and Scott. Dr. Rinala told him to grab my right leg. He was right in the thick of things.
An hour and a half went by, Scott and Danielle holding my legs, music continuing to play, and all three of them coaching me. Once again, I don't know what I would have done without Scott there. Felling him holding me and hearing him talk to me and tell me I could do it was wonderful. Then, after that hour and a half of exhausting pushing, I heard the most wonderful sound I could ever imagine... the crying of our miracle Eli.
Of course, after holding him, I told Scott to leave me and go check on the baby... how many fingers, how many toes, does he look alright? Scott told me he was perfect (while secretly thinking, Oh my God, he has a cone head!). After getting stitched up, I got to hold my baby in my arms, feel him skin to skin, and the three of us, Scott, Eli, and myself, officially started our new life together.
Fast forward... two days in the hospital, fairly uncomfortable, crowded, exhausted and ready to go home... our wish came true and we came home on Thursday afternoon. We were greeted by decorations from Caitlin and of course, Jack. Now our family was complete.
Jack was totally confused and a little freaked out at first. He wasn't sure what Eli was and why he was in our house. However, over the next few days, he really got used to him and now he LOVES him. He sits with us when we feed, checks on Eli when he cries, and of course finds dirty clothes and burp cloths delicious to lick.
While Scott and I are definitely tired, overwhelmed, and always learning, we have been so blessed to be surrounded by helpful and loving family and friends. Everyone has been so great and we are so appreciative. I cannot wait for this new life of the Fullen Family to continue to unfold and to see what it brings. I'll be home from work until April so I have lots of time to learn and figure things out! Stay posted for entries and I'll do my best to keep on top of things.
Enjoy some pics of Eli's week 1 journey!

I'm a week old! 
Enjoying a popsicle. 

Finally, I get to hold my baby!!!
Grandparents gather around. 

Brand new baby Eli! 

Caitlin came to visit Eli at the hospital.
Family photo... boy we look tired!!!
Just 1 day old.
Skin to skin time with mommy and baby!
Time to go home! Look at my cute bear outfit!!!
Finally back home... cuddling with mommy and big brother Jack.
My First Christmas. I spent most of it sleeping!
Family photo on Christmas.
Look at me... celebrating Christmas night. I'm wide awake looking for Santa. 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

We've made it!!!!

Well, this past week marked week 37... FULL TERM!!! I can't believe it! According to all the books, baby can come at any time and be perfectly healthy. Although, they always point out that he will continue to put on necessary baby fat the next few weeks so it's good if he sticks around a little longer in there.
This week was also my last week at work. It was the last week for the kids before break and it came at a very good time for how I am starting to feel. For those of you who have ever spent time in a classroom, you know what the week before a break is like... that on top of being 9 1/2 months pregnant is EXHAUSTING! The kids were great, though. Monday started off like any normal day, me expecting a mystery reader at 10:00 when instead up came about 6 of the moms from my room to throw a baby shower. My kids kept this a secret since Thanksgiving! Not a single kid let it slip that that they were planning a shower for me and for the past two weeks they had been bringing in children's books and giving them to one of my 3rd levels for his mom to organize. I HAD NO IDEA!!! We played games, ate food, and they gave me a bin of absolutely wonderful books in which they had each written a letter. It was amazing.
The rest of the week was busy busy busy. I found myself feeling pretty tired by about noon, but the days must go on. I can only hope that my kids couldn't read in to my exhaustion and had a good final week. Friday was a tough day with tears... both my kids and I. We discussed (as we have all year long) that when they come back from break, I won't be there. I think it is now much more real for them since the time has actually come. I'm having a hard time, as the control freak that I am, handing over the responsibility of my classroom, plus handing over my babies, to the sub. I know she'll be great, but it is definitely harder than I ever imagined. I've been told, and I know it's true, that as soon as my little man arrives, I'll be so excited/consumed/in love that I'll feel much better about leaving my students. As kids go... my 25 little ones are AMAZING!
We are going to the doctor every week now. At our appointment on Wednesday, everything looked good. My sugar levels are good, my weight gain is right on, I'm really not putting anything significant on at this point, which is pretty normal. His heartbeat sounds strong. It never gets old hearing his heartbeat... I love it more and more each time. I've started dilating... about 2 cm. This means very little however, as I could sit there for days or weeks. We'll get an update this Wednesday. I think at this point... Turtle could make his grand entrance at any time.

37 weeks! Enjoying the Cincinnati Zoo Festival of Lights... my basketball belly!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Week 35... 5 Weeks to go!!!!

Well, at one point, 10 weeks sounded like no time at all. But now, 5 weeks seems like so long! This baby is quickly running out of room in my little 5 ft. 2 in. body. So much has happened since our last update... so here goes:
We had a doctor's appointment last week with one of our favorite docs in the practice. It was a great appointment. His heartbeat was perfect, he is growing at a good rate, and I've put on a healthy, just-right amount of weight so far. She says there is no indication of pre-term labor (although she also said there aren't always signs of early labor). Starting next week, we will be going every week.
We're continuing with our birthing classes. We've had 3 of the 5 including one on mommy and baby nutrition. I think I'm doing pretty well, picking smart foods to eat, especially in this last month or so. We have learned about all kinds of relaxation methods and massage for labor. We've also learned about the process/progression of labor and I'm feeling less nervous having a better understanding of how things could happen. Scott has been wonderful in the classes... massaging, asking questions, and being supportive all around. We'll go to a breast feeding class on Saturday morning and the maternity ward tour on Sunday afternoon. One more class this Wednesday and one the next and we'll be all finished.
The nursery is officially finished! We've got the pictures hung, the curtains up, the bed is ready and clothes are washed. I only washed some newborn (just in case he's a big boy!) and 3 month clothes. Sheets and towels are done too. It feels pretty good to have all of this part finished. Scott did an awesome job hanging the Winnie-the-Pooh pics. They're perfect!
Work is starting to get progressively harder. I find that I've started feeling tired earlier in the day (around 1:00) and it's harder to get around. The kids are so cute and helpful. In lessons, I can hand them materials and they lay them out for me after we've discussed them. They continue to say cute things and are increasingly curious about Turtle's size and how he makes me feel. We currently have a 20 inch line drawn on the board and a five pound weight out so that they can get an idea of his size. They are amazed! Today, one of my little boys gave me a stocking for Turtle with 'Turtle' written in puffy paint. He told me I could use it this year if he comes early or next year if he's on time. I'll definitely use it!
I feel so lucky to have such a wonderful best friend in Caitlin. She is AMAZING! She's mapped out routes to the hospital, told her team that if I go into labor at school she is out of there, and she's going on our maternity ward tour with us on Sunday. If Scott's not around when the time comes, I know that she is more than ready to be my go to gal. Caitlin... I love you!!!
Turtle continues to move around, although the movements have definitely changed. He has a limb or two  that like to poke and roll down my left side. Since he's head down, his bum is up by my right side ribs and sometimes he likes to push it up and shake it around. It's pretty funny. He gets the hiccups a fair amount, and even got them at the same time as his big brother the other day. I was cuddled with Jack and both of my boys were hiccuping... it was super cute!
'Tis the season... Turtle is now getting to enjoy (hopefully!!!) his mommy singing Christmas songs as I listen in the car and around the house. Hopefully he'll love them as much as his mommy and daddy. I've also started singing camp songs to him every opportunity I get. Maybe if he hears my singing voice now he'll learn to deal with it as he gets older!
Enjoy some pictures of the nursery and my belly... which yes, I realize has totally popped!

The crib complete with mobile, breathable bumper and Pooh blanket. Look at the cute pictures! 

Glider and crib. Look at the cute curtains (thanks mom) and matching pillow in the chair. 

The changer, basket of onesies, diapers, and of course, Scott's handy work with the Pooh pictures. 

Week 35... there he is! 

Monday, November 14, 2011

33 Weeks along...really???

Once again... I know it's been forever. I can't believe that we are in week 33. That means: 3 weeks until 'full-term' and 7 weeks until our due date. Things are definitely changing a lot these days and a lot has been going on, too. As far as movement goes, since he's running out of room in there, the rolling feeling has all but disappeared and now I get little sharp jabs on my side and sometimes we can even see a limb of some sort sticking out on my left side. It's pretty hilarious! What I can only assume is his little bum, is up on my right side and he likes to have his bum and back rubbed sometimes. It seems to calm him. Scott and I enjoy reading out loud in bed at night and watching him move.
At our 30 week appointment, we were told he was measuring about a week and a half larger than 30 weeks. This was all just figured by the outside belly measurement and the doctor told us it was not a bad thing. In true Sarah fashion, I freaked out thinking about all possible troubles, etc. So then, at the 32 week appointment (as they are every other week now!) we asked again and the measurements came out right on track. I had an exam and she determined that he was already head down! That is a good thing because once they are down it is very rare that they would turn back around. Our next appointment is the day before Thanksgiving, so hopefully we'll have some more exciting updates to share with the family.
A couple of weekends ago, I had my first baby shower thrown by my wonderful best friends Caitlin and Elizabeth at Caitlin's house. It was so nice to have some of my closest girlfriends and the ladies in my family gather together. We were spoiled with wonderful gifts and a great time! Vanessa took tons of pictures to I'll post as soon as I get them. Thanks Caitlin and Eliz!
This past weekend I had my second shower at my Aunt Dianne's house with my mom and her friends and my MIL and her friends. And my sister-in-law came in to town for it too! (along with my brother and nephew dog, Moe but they didn't join us at the shower!) What a lovely day! Dianne out-did herself for sure. And once again, we were definitely spoiled!!! This is one lucky baby... he is surrounded by awesome stuff and more importantly, tons of people who already love him. Having these showers was just an amazing reminder that I have fantastic women in my life!
The nursery is coming along perfectly. All that's left to do is hang the pictures. I'll be posting as soon as it's all done.
I'm getting so excited to actually have our baby: to hold him, love him, cuddle, and be together as a family of four (don't forget Jack). But at the same time, my nerves are starting to set in. I think I'm mostly nervous about the aspect of labor. Being a mommy doesn't scare me, becoming a mommy does! We've started our birthing classes and have four more left. The classes are helpful to prepare us for what is to come. We'll go to a day-long breast feeding class in a few weekends as well.
Enjoy some photos from the shower at Aunt Dianne's.
Mommy-to-Be and Grandma Ann

Surrounded by wonderful gifts! 

Cute onesies! 

About to enjoy lunch at the decorated dining room table. 

The table set up in the library... look at the cute toys and book! 

Monday, October 24, 2011

30 Weeks... Let the Countdown Begin!!!

I know it's been a few weeks... sorry (especially to Alice, I know you need an update!) I can't believe that we are only 6 weeks away from being technically 'full-term' and 10 weeks away from the due date. I'm getting more and more excited, as is Scott. However, I'm also more uncomfortable at times. Turtle LOVES my right side ribs. But, with a nice rub, he relaxes and all is good again.
We enjoyed a great weekend getaway this past weekend to Hot Springs, NC with my parents, brother and sister-in-law, some friends, and the pups. My brother Matt and sister-in-law Jes got to feel the baby move. Matt was blown away and Turtle was totally partying for Aunt Jessie. He already loves them! The weather was fantastic and the hiking was great. I must admit, I'm pretty proud of myself for hiking 7.5 miles on Saturday plus an short uphill on Sunday. It felt great getting outside and doing some hiking. I think Turtle enjoyed it as well.
The nursery is coming along. We got our mats for our pictures and I bought frames to match the furniture. We put them all together with our Classic Pooh pictures and they are so cute! I can't wait for Scott to hang them. My mom and Aunt Judy are hard at work on our curtains.
Things are going well at work. Getting up and down off of the floor is a bit harder, but I manage. The kids continue to ask about the baby and how he's doing. Some super cute kid stories:
~We are reading Charlotte's Web. We recently read the part of the story when she makes her egg sac and explains to Wilbur that it is her Magnum Opus, or greatest work, as she puts it. I told my students that I am always looking for their Magnum Opus. One of my 3rd levels, Nina, raised her hand and said, "Ms. Sarah, I think that Turtle is your Magnum Opus." It was the cutest, sweetest thing ever!
~ Today I was working with one of my 'special friends' on the stamp game doing her math. Without even thinking, when Turtle started moving, I touched my belly and said, 'oh!' She looked at me with big eyes and said, 'Is that baby moving?' When I told her he was and asked if she wanted to feel (I haven't let any of them feel the baby) she smiled and, super gently, placed her hand on the side of my belly. Just then he kicked or punched and she just lit up. She said, "Woah! I felt that." I told her that he moves every time she and I work together (which is true) and she was so excited. I think it made her day.
Here are some belly pics from this weekend's trip.
Turtle and I on the AT. 

The whole Fullen Family by the French Broad River. 

Me and my boys by Laurel Stream. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Week 27... saying good-bye to the 2nd trimester!

It's hard to believe, but we're in our last week of the 2nd trimester! I'm so excited to start this next phase of the pregnancy, even though I've heard that it gets a little tough.
Last week I took had my glucose tolerance test. That entailed: drinking a super sugary orange drink (not as bad as people told me it would be), wait an hour, go get blood drawn (EXACTLY one hour after finishing the drink), then eat some McDonald's breakfast (as my treat), and go back to school and wait. Luckily for me, our next scheduled appointment was the next day so we knew we'd be able to find out the results quickly. Good news... No Gestational Diabetes here! Yay!
As far as movement goes, Turtle is a moving machine! He moves every night when I get in bed and before when we are relaxing. He's also taken to moving in the early morning and it wakes me up. That's ok though, I guess it's good practice for my early morning wake-up calls. Just in the past couple of days, he has started moving so much at school that I'm very aware of it and he even moves around when I'm standing still (before it was just when I was lounging). I must admit, I love feeling his little movements, all except for the ones where he sticks some part of himself up under my right side ribs... OUCH!
The nursery is coming along quite well. We are getting the Classic Pooh pictures we have matted so that we can frame them, my mom is making curtains, and we'll just wait to collect the rest of the goodies.
My belly continues to poke out, the bump is definitely a growing baby!

Week 27 Belly. He looks big here... I think (hope) it's deceiving. 

Some of our cute stuff! We couldn't resist the North Face snow suit when we realized it was 50% off!!! And Pooh looks super cute cuddling with the sea turtle. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Week 25 and feeling fine!

It's hard to believe that we're in week 25 already. Only 15 weeks left to go! I know 15 weeks is a fairly long time, but in the whole of the pregnancy, it's not that long.
I'm feeling pretty good these days. I'm keeping active at the gym and going to prenatal water aerobics twice a week still. I walk to work each day, even though it's a short walk, there and back each day adds up to some good activity and continued movement really helps the joints.
Sleeping has gotten better too. I've mastered sleeping with my body boppy, but I'd be lying if I said I'm not counting down until the time I can sleep on my stomach again. I think I've started dreaming about it! In that regard, 15 weeks IS a long time!
Little Turtle is moving all over the place these days. It feels like he is flipping and dancing in there. I'm pretty sure I woke up the other morning to hiccups. Wow! That was a bizarre feeling. Scott is feeling him move a lot. Now we can even see my tummy moving. It ripples and and had little punch outs. It's especially apparent when we are relaxing. My relaxation seems to wake the baby. Let's hope that doesn't become a trend when he's out here in the world.
We have a doctor's appointment next Wednesday. Just a normal check-up. The day before however I have to get the blood work done to test for gestational diabetes. From what I hear, my little orange drink might just be one of the nastiest things I ever have to drink. I'm not looking forward to it, but every mommy-to-be endures it, so I guess I can too!
We are continuing to work on the little things in the nursery and work on our baby registry. It's all so fun! Here's an update of the bump.

Week 25 by the baby's dresser. The cute bank is from Turtle's great, great Aunt Mary.